Friday, August 23, 2013

5 Diet Causes Even Make Weight

5 Diet Causes Even Make Weight

Have you ever felt the diet efforts ended in vain, because rather than trim your weight thus increasing ?

You are not alone because nearly a third of the women surveyed said their weight would go up after you start a diet. To find out what really happened, learn 5 reasons that trigger:  

1. The balance of the body is disrupted

A survey in the United Kingdom found that 1 in 3 women start dieting at the age of 15-20 years. Most of the diet routinely runs 3 times a year, and about 10 per cent of five times a year. T

he problem is, sometimes the method of diet too tight so that your metabolism is compromised and cause interference with the body's balance. For example, limiting fat too much could cause excess carbohydrates that the body cannot be burned so shocking fat cells. Strict Diet also often cause increased appetite.  

2. The spirit up and down

One of the things that makes the diet cannot last long is the mentality of "on" and "off". While it is in position "on" then because it did not discipline, they often feel like a failure and then back to the position "off" and fell back to less healthy eating patterns.

Whereas, in this life we cannot always be perfect in weight loss efforts. If you eat mostly, ask yourself why? Are you making the food in an effort to get comfortable or happy? Weight loss requires consistency so that his approach had to be reasonable. Who could resist if we just eat 2 spoons of rice and vegetable per meal ?  

3. Eat food not preferred

Obligate yourself only eat certain foods that we don't like will cause a sense of distress and increase stress hormones. Often it actually makes us "craving" is hard to resist the desire of alias snacking.

 4. Food is "false"

Now available special diet foods that actually taste substances added. Fast food claimed added nutrients, which of course is not natural. These substances can actually act like pollutants for the body.  

5. Many forbidden food

According to a survey in the United Kingdom, there are five types of food are the hardest on hold, namely chocolate, crisps, cheese, bread,, and wine. In the concept of balance, actually you don't have to feel guilty if mengasup a little cake or chocolate. But the limit, don't get too often.

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